“Expert Video Consultations with the World’s Best Doctors”
Print and Digital Marketing Materials
Brand Refresh
Visual Design
App Design
Dashboard Design
2nd.MD is a second opinion service that connects members to Medical Specialists from around the world. Without leaving their homes, members have access to video/phone access to top doctors from Harvard, Boston Children’s, MD Anderson and many others. Services include “Text a Specialist” as well as the ability to find a Local In-Network Doctor.
App Design
Working as the Lead Designer, I worked with the 2nd.MD tech team on several projects, starting with their app.
The app is for the use of members and doctors to schedule consults, manage their account and have video/phone conferences about diagnoses and medical ailments. The services that a member has access to differs based on the company they are employed by, the kind of medical insurance they have and other varying factors that had to be built into the flow of the app. Each variation of the user flow had to be dissected and carefully thought out.
We also had to create an entirely separate flow for doctors with the feature of being able to make/see past notes, check medical records, maintain their profile as well as track earnings.
Once the App was complete, we updated the viewer-facing dashboard. The Dashboard follows the flow of the App and the various user cases (for both members and doctors) and was designed to include/exclude services based on the user and healthcare provider.
Following the revamping of the App and Dashboard, the client wanted to do a little brand refresh. Without changing the original logo, a mini update was done to the look and feel of the company’s identity. This update included new fonts, colors, as well as a new logo for a new service (Reach).
Activation Pages
The next project was Activation pages. Working with a strategist, we carefully dissected and mapped out activation flows making sure users could activate without issue, easily determine what information was needed from them and users were put into the correct “bucket” without issue and duplication.
Scheduling Calendar
After very positive feedback from the activation pages, we then began mapping out and redesigning the 2nd.MD scheduling system. Managed by the 2nd.MD nurses, the calendar is an organizational tool that lets the nurses help schedule appointments to seamlessly connect members with specialists.
2nd.MD is offered to employees by a multitude of companies. Working with the marketing director, I created templates for print materials and emails that could be edited specifically for each of 2nd.MD’s clients.